Analyst: HTC ThunderBolt Smiting iPhone 4 in Sales at Verizon Stores

From DailyTech: Apple's latest commercials proclaim proudly, "If you don't have an iPhone... well... you don't have an iPhone."

Well apparently a lot of Verizon Wireless customers don't want to have an iPhone. According to Walter Piecyk a business analyst with BTIG Research, it appears the iPhone is getting outsold at Verizon Wireless (VZ) stores by the latest and greatest Android phone from HTC.

Mr. Piecyk and his team called 150 different Verizon stores. According to his report, 61 percent of the stores reported the new Verizon iPhone 4 and the Android HTC Thunderbolt LTE smart phone were selling at approximately the same rate. Only 11 percent of stores said the iPhone 4 was selling faster, while 28 percent said the HTC Thunderbolt was selling faster.

Now to be fair the iPhone is at a bit of a disadvantage here. For all its "magic" it can't take advantage of Verizon's shiny new LTE network like the Thunderbolt. And the iPhone's tiny 3.5-inch display is dwarfed by the Thunderbolt's gorgeous 4.3-inch display (to be fair the iPhone 4's display is slightly higher resolution).

The hardware advantages of the Thunderbolt continue from there. It has more memory (768 MB v. 512 MB in the iPhone) and has the ability to swap storage via microSD cards.

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