Kindle Books Outsell Print Books on Amazon

From DailyTech: The Amazon Kindle has become a way of life for many avid readers the way iPods and other portable music players became a way of life for music lovers. Many of the things we love have found a way to traverse into the digital world, and have found success in doing so.

The Kindle is no exception. When the original version was introduced on November 19, 2007 at $399, it sold out in five and a half hours. It stayed out of stock for five months until its return in April 2008.

Since then, Amazon has released new versions of the Kindle like the Kindle 2, Kindle DX and Kindle 3, which is available in Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi plus 3G connectivity.

Before the Kindle, Amazon started selling traditional paper books in July 1995. But now, Amazon has announced that Kindle books are outselling paperbacks and hardcovers.

Since April 1, Amazon has sold 105 Kindle books for every 100 print books sold. These numbers include books that have no Kindle edition. Also, for all of 2011 so far, Amazon has had the fastest year-over-year growth rate for its books business due to the overwhelming Kindle sales and steady print book sales.

The UK Kindle Store is now selling more Kindle books than hardcovers as well. As of April 1, customers have been purchasing Kindle books over hardcover books at a 2 to 1 ratio.

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