LG Smartphones to Receive Ice Cream Sandwich, Customers Still Unhappy

From DailyTech: Not to be outdone by the likes of Samsung and HTC, LG Mobile announced yesterday on its official Facebook page that its Android phones would also be receiving Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).

The Seoul-based electronics manufacturer has been taking a beating in the smartphone market, despite its Optimus line of Android devices.

But it hasn't given up on Android, as evidenced by yesterdays announcement of a "global upgrade" for its range of devices, beginning in the second quarter of 2012 with the LG Optimus LTE, Prada phone by LG 3.0, Optimus 2X, Optimus Sol, my Touch Q, and the LG Eclipse.

The LG Optimus 3D, Optimus Black, Optimus Big, Optimus Q2, and Optimus EX will also receive Ice Cream Sandwich, but not until Q3 2012.

"LG will be taking all possible measure to offer a smooth OS upgrade in a timely manner. The exact start dates can vary by market, as each country can have different requirements, depending on the carrier and the smartphone model," the company said on its Facebook page.

While the news would appear to be welcome for Optimus users, the comments on the Facebook post have been less than glowing. "[G]et off your ass LG... if hackers can get a basic version working in less then 2 days.. you really should work harder," wrote one commenter.

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