Fortnite Maker Epic Games Says Google Pushed Competitors Not To Launch App Stores

From CNET: Epic Games, which makes the hit game Fortnite, has accused Google of more antitrust behavior, claiming the tech giant "paid off developers with the means, capability and desire" to lunch competing app stores.

"Google spent a billion dollars on secret deals with the top app developers," Epic and dating app developer Match Group wrote in a court filing last week.

Google didn't immediately respond to a request for comment, but a spokesperson told Engadget that it will oppose the new claims, adding that it doesn't prevent developers from creating competing app stores. "In fact, the program is proof that Google Play competes fairly with numerous rivals for developers, who have a number of choices for operating systems and app stores," Google said.

The move marks the latest twist in Epic's long-running lawsuit with Google. At it heart, Epic is arguing that Google is illegally forcing app developers to use its payment processing service, which charges mandatory commissions of up to 30%. Epic also sued Apple over roughly the same issue, losing its first major round in court and currently arguing appeals.

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