FBI Confirms Computer System Hack, But Offers Few Details

From PC Mag: The FBI confirmed a "cyber incident" has occurred involving one of its computer systems.

As CNN reports(Opens in a new window), the system in question is used by the bureau to carry out child sexual exploitation investigations, and two sources claim the focus of the malicious cyber activity is the FBI New York Field Office.

In a statement to CNN the FBI said, "The FBI is aware of the incident and is working to gain additional information ... This is an isolated incident that has been contained. As this is an ongoing investigation the FBI does not have further comment to provide at this time."

Hopefully the FBI decides to share further details on what exactly the hacker was able to access, if any data was stolen, and how exactly access was gained in the first instance. According to one source who was briefed on the matter, although the breach has now been contained, it remains unclear where the hack originated.

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