Cooler Master MM712 Wired Review (Page 3 of 4)

Page 3 - Subjective Performance Tests

After plugging the Cooler Master MM712 Wired in and setting up the software, I ran the mouse through our series of standard tracking performance tests. This includes normal office usage in the Windows environment as well as gaming. Some graphics work and testing were done with Adobe Photoshop. Games used in this test primarily include Overwatch and League of Legends. This spans different genres and allows us to get a feel as to how the mouse responds in different situations. All testing was completed on a XTracGear Carbonic XXL. Please note these are subjective tests, but we will attempt to make it as objective as possible with our cross-reference testing methods.

Compared to the usual mice I have been daily driving, the Cooler Master MM712, the MM712 Wired felt very similar, even with the weight reduction. This familiar shape was quite easy to get used to and one that I really enjoy. Its shape is a bit flatter than other mice I have used, but the bump at the back is not really suited for palm gripping unless you have small hands. Even so, those with small to medium-sized hands will probably use a claw grip, while those with larger hands would probably prefer a fingertip grip. I personally use a bit of a hybrid grip between a palm and claw grip. The surface of the MM712 Wired is a bit coarse so that you can hold on the mouse, but some users may want to use the grip tape provided. Weight-wise, the MM712 Wired is very light at around 49g. The lighter weight is still a preference thing, but I do personally appreciate the lighter mouse. As I mentioned previously, the weight is generally aligned with the center of the mouse and the sensor. For the sensitivity range, I rarely went above 1200DPI in my daily use despite Cooler Master allowing up to 19000DPI of sensitivity. As for inputs, I found all of the buttons, both primary and secondary, to be placed in a reachable place, yet away enough to avoid accidental presses. Audible and tactile feedback of the primary buttons were quite good as well.

The Cooler Master MM712 Wired is meant for gaming, so it only makes sense I tested it this way. While I am not the best gamer, I found the Cooler Master MM712 Wired and the PixArt PAW3395 to be excellent. Tracking was consistent and smooth. In games like VALORANT and Overwatch, flick shooting was very easy with the mouse's light body. Getting a grip on the MM712 Wired was alright with the slightly textured surface. I did not really notice a big shift in terms of where the sensor is located, but I think most users prefer the center position. I was unable to spin out in games, which is good for consistent tracking with fast movement. In MOBAs like League of Legends, the tracking performance held up and clicking felt consistent and crisp. Otherwise, the Cooler Master MM712 Wired is missing more buttons than the standard two on the side for games like MMORPGs, but this expected given its low mass and intended audience.

When looking at more technical flaws, the PMW3395 in the Cooler Master MM712 Wired was near flawless. Some Photoshop tests with free-hand lassoing revealed small details and movements were picked up without problem. Moving in straight lines showed zero signs of prediction or angle snapping at reasonable sensitivity settings. There was a slight amount of jitter at higher DPI settings, but this was not observable at lower sensitivity. Response time felt consistent throughout my use. Lift off distance, when configured to low, was less than the thickness of one optical disc. I also did not notice any slam clicking, even at the lowest click response time. I will admit at times during testing, I did miss having a wireless mouse, but the physical refinements like the smoother side buttons seemed like a worthy trade-off.

Overall, I felt like the Cooler Master MM712 Wired improved on a few physical aspects while keeping performance excellent compared to the wireless version. The familiar shape, clean finish, and lighter weight also helps with making it easier to get used to. Tracking was great in gaming and technical tests. Its shape was comfortable for me and should be for small to medium-sized hands, but I still recommend trying it out before you buy. They also fixed the slam clicking from happening, which is great. For a wired mouse, I was very impressed.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. A Closer Look - Hardware and Software
3. Subjective Performance Tests
4. Conclusion