Intel delays Itanium upgrade to add new capabilities

From InfoWorld: Intel on Tuesday said it has delayed the release of the quad-core Tukwila chip, its next-generation 64-bit Itanium processor designed for use in enterprise servers.

The chip maker will now release Tukwila around the middle of this year, Intel officials said. The chip...

Google Offers Tool to Let You Track Your Friends' Movements

From PC World: Not content with indexing the world's information, Google is now tracking where users of its maps service are, and making that location data searchable by others.

The tracking feature, called Latitude, will appear on compatible mobile devices in a new version of...

Apple Plotting a Quad-Core iMac?

From Tom's Hardware: Late last week AppleInsider speculated that Apple might be getting ready to introduce a new iMac. Citing people familiar with the matter AppleInsider says that the Cupertino-based company has warned that new reseller orders for the high-end 24-inch 3.06 GHz iMac...

Judge postpones Rambus patent-infringement trials

From CNET Judge Ronald M. Whyte of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued an order indefinitely postponing the long-running cases against Hynix Semiconductor, Micron Technology, Nanya Technology, and Samsung Electronics, pending appeals of...

Sun Releases 64-bit Java Plug-In

From DailyTech: With 64-bit adoption rising for both Windows Vista and Windows 7 installations, Sun Microsystems' latest update of Java 6 features enhanced 64-bit support.

Java 6 Update 12 will finally have a 64-bit plug-in, a feature that was first requested in January of 2003, as...

Microsoft: Windows 7 will have six editions

From InfoWorld: Microsoft unveiled on Tuesday a plan to release six editions of Windows 7 and said all of them will run on a range of hardware, including netbooks.

However, the company is emphasizing two main SKUs (stock-keeping units) of the forthcoming OS -- Windows 7 Home Premium...

New Firefox Release Fixes Critical Security Bugs

From PC World: Mozilla developers released the latest version of their Firefox browser Tuesday, version 3.0.6, which fixes several security bugs in the software.

The most critical issues are bugs in the browser's JavaScript and layout engines that could be exploited by attackers to...

Sun Releases 64-bit Java Plug-In

From DailyTech: With 64-bit adoption rising for both Windows Vista and Windows 7 installations, Sun Microsystems' latest update of Java 6 features enhanced 64-bit support.

Java 6 Update 12 will finally have a 64-bit plug-in, a feature that was first requested in January of 2003, as...

Gmail tweak gives nod to folder metaphor

From CNET Gmail forsook folders for a more flexible idea, labels, but Google has begun making a change acknowledging that the older interface idea has its place.

The drawback of folders is that you must decide which one is the best location for a message you want to file--...

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