10 Million Nintendo Wii Consoles Sold in Record Breaking Year

From DailyTech: Nintendo earned record breaking success in 2008 selling 10.17 million Nintendo Wii consoles and 9.95 million Nintendo DS portable consoles according to the latest NPD numbers.

No video game system in history had ever sold more than 10 million units in a single year...

AMD Updates Embedded Processor Line

From X-bit Labs: Advanced Micro Devices has unveiled two new AMD Sempron processors for embedded systems that feature new packaging technology as well as lower power consumption. According to AMD, the new lidless packaging will allow to make AMD-based systems smaller and more...

Intel on Track with Processors Featuring Graphics Core in 2009

From X-bit Labs: Despite some over-conservative expectations and reports, Intel Corp. is on track to release its central processing units (CPUs) with integrated graphics cores this year, the company said during its most recent conference call with financial analysts.

Answering the...

1 in 3 Windows PCs vulnerable to worm attack

From InfoWorld: The worm that has infected several million Windows PCs is causing havoc because nearly a third of all systems remain unpatched 80 days after Microsoft rolled out an emergency fix, a security expert said Thursday.

Based on scans of several hundred thousand customer...

Symantec releases patch for application delivery program

From InfoWorld: Symantec and the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT) are warning about a serious vulnerability within the company's AppStream product, used for steaming applications from a central server to thin-client desktops, though a patch has been released.


Microsoft Sued Over Unified Communications Deal

From PC World: Microsoft has been sued by a small Wisconsin business for allegedly misrepresenting the capabilities of its Live Communications Server product, selling the company more licenses than it needed and not providing a refund or other products to solve its original problem...

Facebook restructures developer platform management

From CNET News.com: In a post on the company's developer blog on Friday, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced some changes to the management of its third-party developer projects. This encompasses both the Facebook platform, which opened up the social network to third...

Apple Mac Mini Based on Nvidia Ion

From Tom's Hardware: An Nvidia partner confirmed to us that Apple was the first to receive samples of Nvidia's Ion platform, which we covered extensively during CES. In fact, Apple received prototype units long before Nvidia partners who opted to work on Ion. We're told that some...

Asustek Computer Readies Eee Phone – Chairman

From X-bit labs: Asustek Computer, a leading maker of computer components as well as mobile computers, has confirmed its intention to introduce an easy-to-use smartphone under its Asus Eee brand. The device will not only be able to serve as a handset, but will also be able to control...

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