YouTube Slowdowns Traced to Adblock Plus Bug

From PC Mag: UPDATE 1/17: The makers of AdBlock and Adblock Plus say bugs in their ad blockers are to blame for the YouTube slowdowns. They've both rolled out fixes.

"With our latest update published last week, some of our users began to experience a slowdown on YouTube and other sites across the...

AMD drops prices on 7900 XT cards to counter Nvidia Super

From PC World: Inflation and other factors tend to force prices on all goods higher, and that seems to be holding true for high-end electronics. But just occasionally consumers reap the benefits of market forces and see prices drop before a product reaches the end of its shelf life. Such is the case...

Apple Will Allow iOS Developers to Accept Third-Party Payments

From PC Mag: After years of requiring iOS developers to accept payments exclusively through Apple, the company is updating its App Store policies to allow developers to link to alternative payment methods, as long as the app also allows users to make purchases through Apple’s in-app purchasing...

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