Samsung to Break Another Profit Record, Creeps Closer to Apple

From DailyTech: Apple, Inc. (AAPL) won't announce its fiscal Q2 2013 (calendar Q1 2013) quarterly earnings until April 23, but South Korea's Samsung Electronics Comp., Ltd. (KSC:005930), has already started things off with a bang, issuing impressive earnings guidance. The record...

Microsoft Creative Director Fights with Twitter Users

From DailyTech: Microsoft's creative director put up quite a fight in favor of always-online consoles, which is a particularly curious move -- especially on Twitter -- when the company hasn't said much about its upcoming Xbox console.

Adam Orth, a creative director at Microsoft...

AMD: PC Gaming Is Coming Back in a Big Way

From X-bit Labs: While some people believe that games on personal computers and – top-notch microprocessors and high-end graphics cards – have lost their charms, it seems like they not only haven’t, but they are gaining. Moreover, they are gaining in a way that was unbelievable a...

Kingston DataTraveler Locker+ G2 32GB Review (Page 1 of 8)

Recently, I had a discussion with one of my friends regarding the ownership of police electronic countermeasures in my vehicle. I have written an article on such a topic a few years go, which can be found here. First things first, let me just clarify that radar detectors and laser jammers are perfectly legal equipment where I live. Secondly, I do not speed, and as such, I have never received any traffic citations before. So why...

Microsoft Outlook ready to run on Windows RT?

From CNET A fresh rumor out today holds that Microsoft Outlook is coming to Windows RT.

The popular e-mail application is conspicuously absent on Windows RT devices. That is, RT devices -- which run a limited version of Windows 8 on the ARM chip platform -- come with...

HP Chairman Steps Down in the Wake of Autonomy Acquisition Fiasco

From DailyTech: HP has announced that its chairman, Ray Lane, has stepped down from his post. Lane has been under fire from shareholders due to his role in the acquisition of software company Autonomy.

"After reflecting on the stockholder vote last month, I've decided to step down...

BlackBerry to Axe BBM Music on June 2

From DailyTech: BlackBerry is still facing an uphill battle in the smartphone market even though it has had some modest success with BlackBerry 10 operating system and the new Q10 smartphone. However, if you're a BlackBerry user who loves the BBM Music service, the Canadian company...

Facebook Teams Up with HTC for First Smartphone

From X-bit Labs: Facebook and HTC on Thursday unveiled the first smartphone developed collaboratively with the aim at frequent users of the social network. The handset promises an entirely new Facebook experience, called Home, which brings Facebook’s news feed and notifications...

Intel Boosts Performance of Integrated HD Graphics 4000 by 10%

From X-bit Labs: Intel Corp. this week reiterated its commitment towards improving quality and performance of its integrated graphics cores. The company unveiled new drivers for its Intel HD Graphics cores that boosts performance of video games by up to 10%.

The latest Intel HD...

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