Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge: Performance Preview and Overclocking (Page 5 of 6) | Reports

Page 5 - Benchmark: Cinebench R11.5, PassMark PerformanceTest 7.0, PCMark 7, SuperPi 1M

About Cinebench R11.5

CINEBENCH is a real-world cross platform test suite that evaluates your computer's performance capabilities. CINEBENCH is based on MAXON's award-winning animation software CINEMA 4D, which is used extensively by studios and production houses worldwide for 3D content creation. MAXON software has been used in blockbuster movies such as Spider-Man, Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia and many more.

CINEBENCH is the perfect tool to compare CPU and graphics performance across various systems and platforms (Windows and Mac OS X).

From: Developer's Page

About PassMark PerformanceTest 7.0M

Fast, easy to use, PC speed testing and benchmarking. PassMark PerformanceTest allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests and compare the results to other computers.

Twenty-eight standard benchmark tests are available in six test suites plus there are seven advanced testing windows for custom benchmarking.

- CPU tests Mathematical operations, compression, encryption, SSE, 3DNow! instructions and more
- 2D graphics tests Drawing lines, bitmaps, fonts, text, and GUI elements
- 3D graphics tests Simple to complex DirectX 3D graphics and animations
- Disk tests Reading, writing and seeking within disk files
- Memory tests Allocating and accessing memory speed and efficiency
- CD / DVD test Test the speed of your CD or DVD drive

From: Developer's Page

About PCMark 7

PCMark 7 includes 7 PC tests for Windows 7, combining more than 25 individual workloads covering storage, computation, image and video manipulation, web browsing and gaming. Specifically designed to cover the full range of PC hardware from netbooks and tablets to notebooks and desktops, PCMark 7 offers complete PC performance testing for Windows 7 for home and business use.

From: Developer's Page

About SuperPI

Super PI is a computer program that calculates pi to a specified number of digits after the decimal point - up to a maximum of 32 million. It uses Gauss-Legendre algorithm and is a Windows port of the program used by Yasumasa Kanada in 1995 to compute Pi to 2^32 digits.

Super Pi is used by many overclockers to test the performance and stability of their computers. In the overclocking community, the standard program provides a benchmark for enthusiasts to compare "world record" pi calculation times and demonstrate their overclocking abilities. The program can also be used to test the stability of a certain overclock speed. If a computer is able to calculate PI to the 32 millionth place after the decimal without mistake, it is considered to be moderately stable in terms of RAM and CPU. However, longer tests with other CPU/RAM intensive calculation programs will run for hours instead of minutes and may better stress system stability. While Super Pi is not the fastest program for calculating Pi, it remains very popular in the hardware and overclocking communities.

From: Wikipedia (January 22, 2011)

Page Index
1. Introduction and Test System
2. Benchmark: AIDA64 CPU
3. Benchmark: AIDA64 FPU
4. Benchmark: AIDA64 Memory
5. Benchmark: Cinebench R11.5, PassMark PerformanceTest 7.0, PCMark 7, SuperPi 1M
6. Overclocking and Conclusion