1MORE ComfoBuds Mini True Wireless Review (Page 4 of 4)

Page 4 - Conclusion

With the ComfoBuds Mini True Wireless, 1MORE has claimed these are the world's smallest earbuds with active noise cancellation while boasting a long feature set, and I have to say 1MORE has delivered on most of these claims. While I cannot necessarily confirm it as the world's smallest, this compact size makes the wearing and fitting experience excellent. The ComfoBuds Mini also shines with features like a strong battery life, IPX5 rating, and wireless charging capabilities. To see active noise cancellation in such a little package is great too. I also still appreciate things like its touch interface, fast pairing, and automatic play and pause features. The 1MORE MUSIC application now includes integration with SoundID to help everyday users determine their personalized equalizer settings. In terms of sound quality, we had a relatively good experience with pleasant characteristics as a slightly V-shaped sounding pair of earphones. The 1MORE ComfoBuds Mini was capable of delivering a bright and warm sound. On the other hand, it suffered in the details, often sounding overwhelmed with more layers. It also lacked in its soundstaging capabilities, as the sound felt very narrow and lacked depth. This is in part due to the limitation of the smaller drivers in the ComfoBuds Mini, but I still think there could be improvements. The microphones here are generally passable, but they also easily get overwhelmed by external noises. Finally, I would like to see support for Qualcomm's aptX codec. At the time of the review, the 1MORE ComfoBuds Mini are available for $100, which puts it in line with the Pro variant. In the end, I am impressed by the feature set of the 1MORE ComfoBuds Mini True Wireless, but the overall execution could still be refined.

1MORE provided this product to APH Networks for the purpose of evaluation.

APH Networks Review Focus Summary:
7/10 means Great product with many advantages and certain insignificant drawbacks, but should be considered before purchasing.
6/10 means A product with its advantages, but drawbacks should not be ignored before purchasing.
-- Final APH Networks Numeric Rating is 6.6/10
Please note that the APH Networks Numeric Rating system is based off our proprietary guidelines in the Review Focus, and should not be compared to other publications.

The 1MORE ComfoBuds Mini True Wireless offers active noise canceling in a diminutive package, but it still could be improved in its overall sound quality.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. A Closer Look - Hardware and Software
3. Subjective Audio Analysis
4. Conclusion