Blu-ray 3D Specifications Finalized

From DailyTech: CES 2010 is only a few weeks away and one of the new technologies that is most interesting that will be unveiled at the show is 3D Blu-ray. Blu-ray in 3D will provide 1080p resolution to each eye allowing for full HD playback of 3D movies with compatible displays...

New Apps Bring Video Recording to Old iPhones

From PC World: Recording video on your iPhone is no longer a luxury of just the folks with jailbroken phones or an iPhone 3GS. Apple has approved two separate apps this week in the App Store - Camcorder and iVideoCamera - both retailing for 99 cents. Unfortunately, there are memory...

Twitter touts top trends of 2009

From CNET Iran's elections topped Twitter's list of most popular topics of 2009, according to the microblogging site.

"Among all the keywords, hashtags, and phrases that proliferated throughout the year, one topic surfaced repeatedly," the company wrote in a blog post...

AMD to Launch 12-Core Server Microprocessors in March – Sources

From X-bit Labs: Advanced Micro Devices will launch its twelve-core AMD Opteron “Magny-Cours” central processing units (CPUs) for high-end servers in March, 2010, sources close to the company revealed. AMD plans to unveil a broad family of twelve- and eight-core chips for multi...

Mozilla patches 10 security bugs in Firefox browser

From InfoWorld: Mozilla yesterday patched 10 bugs in Firefox, half of them critical, in the browser's rendering and JavaScript engines, media and video libraries, and other components.

Firefox 3.5.6, the browser's first security update since late October , fixed five flaws rated...

Bing and Google Both Growing, at Yahoo's Expense

From PC World: Even with the threat of Microsoft's Bing, Google continues to take a greater share of the search engine market. But Bing is growing, too; it's Yahoo that is losing ground.

According to comScore's November statistics (via eWeek), Google and Bing are essentially having...

HP swooping in on Sun customers

From CNET Hewlett-Packard has certainly benefited from the uncertainty over Sun Microsystems' future, and now it's lined up a few partners to help win over more Sun customers.

In light of Oracle's failure thus far to seal its takeover of Sun, HP announced on Tuesday that...

Apple wins permanent injunction against Psystar

From CNET After 17 months of litigation, the hammer has finally fallen on Psystar.

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on Tuesday granted Apple's request for permanent injunction against the Mac clone maker. This bars Psystar from peddling PCs...

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