Microsoft to announce Azure business plan next month

From CNET Microsoft plans to announce next month more of the business details behind its Windows Azure operating system.
The software maker unveiled the cloud-based operating system at a developer conference last year. It has said that some of the services, currently in...

ATI to Boost Efficiency of Multi-GPU Operation in OpenGL

From X-bit Labs: Graphics sub-systems with numerous graphics processing units (GPUs) have existed for more than one decade and in the recent years leading developers of graphics processing units – ATI, graphics business group of Advanced Micro Devices, and Nvidia Corp. – resurrected...

Intel's new Atom chip 'breaks' Moore's Law

From InfoWorld: It seems Moore's Law doesn't apply to the next generation of Intel's Atom chips. The low-cost, power-sipping chips, codenamed "Pineview," will greatly improve upon both of those traits, but at the expense of any significant speed boost, according to authentic-looking...

IBM Rolls out New Enterprise Cloud Services Push

From PC World: IBM on Monday rolled out a new cloud-computing strategy aimed at large enterprises, formed around the notion of tying cloud services to specific IT tasks.

Two initial services announced Monday focus on application development and testing and virtual desktop management...

Google's digital book future hangs in the balance

From CNET Google, the company best equipped and most motivated to digitize the world's books, wants to offer the world an online Library of Alexandria. The decisions of the Justice Department, authors, book publishers, a federal judge, and Google itself likely will...

Microsoft Will No Longer Pay for Employee iPhones, Blackberries

From DailyTech: Technology firms are notorious for some of the perks they offer to retain employees. Google is perhaps the most notorious giver of perks with gourmet lunches and swimming spas to keep its working masses happy.

Google has found more recently that its perks can’t keep...

Microsoft will "Soon" Offer Beta Antivirus App

From DailyTech: Microsoft is the largest software company on the planet with applications ranging from office productivity to the operating systems the vast majority of consumer computers run on. Microsoft has also offered protection suits to help keep computers running its software...

Apple's Safari 4 tops 11 million downloads in 3 days

From CNET Apple's Safari 4 Web browser was downloaded more than 11 million times in the first three days of release, the company said Friday.

And more than 6 million of the downloads came from Windows users.

Since Safari 4's public beta release in February, Apple has...

Twitter power players get shiny 'verified' badges

From CNET They're here--sort of. Twitter has launched the early beta phase of its "verified accounts" program, a background-check for celebrities and other prominent users of the service to weed out impersonators and fake accounts. If they pass the test, they get a graphic...

MicrosApple readies new retail store design in Arizona

From CNET Apple has chosen Scottsdale, Ariz., to showcase its latest retail store designs. The new Apple store is opening Friday night and features some firsts for the company.

Pictures of the Scottsdale first appeared on The Loop late last night. With its cube-like...

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