Sony Says no PS3 Price Cuts Coming

From DailyTech: Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are fighting for the dollars of gamers around the globe. The sales pecking order in the gaming console market is well defined with Nintendo in first, Microsoft in second, and Sony bringing up third place.

Many in the industry say the...

Apple to Bring New Data Center to North Carolina

From DailyTech: Apple has chosen to build a new data center in North Carolina that will inject a local economy with new jobs and excitement, as the company prepares for its first east coast data center. The Cupertino-based company will likely invest more than $1 billion towards the...

OCZ Technology Promises 2.13GHz Memory Modules

From X-bit Labs: OCZ Technology Group, a leading supplier of advanced memory products, showcased its “lighting fast” memory modules designed for Intel Core i7 systems at Computex Taipei 2009 trade-show. To date, OCZ’s new Blade memory modules are the highest-performance commercially...

Android Market to work on Intel's Moblin 2.0

From InfoWorld: Handheld devices running Moblin 2.0 will be able to access Google's Android Market, potentially making the Intel operating system as appealing as Android for mobile carriers paid to host application downloads on their networks.

Similar to the App Store built for...

Opera Edges Safari as No. 1 Mobile Browser. Maybe

From PC World: Chip giant Intel is set to acquire Wind River Systems, a maker of software for embedded devices.

Intel has entered a definitive agreement to buy Wind River for $11.50 per share in cash, which works out to a total value of approximately $884 million, Wind River said...

Intel to buy Wind River for $884 million

From CNET Chip giant Intel is set to acquire Wind River Systems, a maker of software for embedded devices.

Intel has entered a definitive agreement to buy Wind River for $11.50 per share in cash, which works out to a total value of approximately $884 million, Wind River...

AMD Unveils World's First DirectX 11 GPU

From DailyTech: AMD is struggling to gain market share back that it has lost to Intel and NVIDIA in the CPU and GPU markets. AMD continues to post losses and to help turn itself around the company spun its foundry business off this year into another company.

Today at Computex in...

Nvidia Finally Reveals Tegra-Based Mobile Devices

From X-bit Labs: At the ongoing Computex Taipei trade-show, Nvidia Corp. finally showcased devices powered by its Tegra system-on-chip (SoC). The devices shown were from contract manufacturers and their demonstration may mean that branded suppliers are at least looking forward Tegra...

Microsoft to leave smartbooks to Google

From InfoWorld: Microsoft doesn't plan to offer a version of Windows for so-called "smartbooks," leaving the space open to Linux, Google's Android and other operating systems.

Smartbooks are a new class of device built around ARM-based chips from companies like Qualcomm, Freescale...

Intel Targets All-day Battery Life for Netbooks

From PC World: The ability to run a netbook all day on a single battery charge is one of the goals Intel has set for itself as it develops the Atom platform.

"We are going to do more integration, we are going to try to reduce the power in order to have sleekest form-factor, the...

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