Intel working on third generation of Classmate PCs

From InfoWorld: Intel will announce details of the next generation of Classmate PCs soon, with new hardware and software that will make the laptops more user-friendly, the company said Wednesday.

Intel declined to provide specific details on the updated hardware and software features...

Apple's iPhone 3G: All Cracked Up

From DailyTech: Apple's 3G iPhone was met with much fanfare when it launched earlier this month. The new phone brought 3G download speeds, GPS hardware, and a new iTunes App Store among other things. The popularity of the iPhone brand along with the buzz created by Apple generated...

Look out iPod, here comes Dell...again

From CNET The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that Dell for the last few months has been testing a digital music player that could go on sale as early as September. The story (which will surely serve as a nice trial balloon for Dell's marketers) says the music player...

Free Xbox 360 Multiplayer Access Probably Temporary

From PC World: After Microsoft announced free online multiplayer for Games for Windows last week, many gamers wondered if the news would serve as a precursor of things to come to Xbox 360. Without elaborating on future possibilities, the company says no for now.

"Last week we...

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We are doing a complete overhaul with our new system and design launch. Please note that we are currently rebuilding contents; please be patient while everything is updated. Meanwhile not all contents are available.

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