Page 4 - Conclusion
When it comes to car engines, it has often been said there is no replacement for displacement. In the speaker world, I have to say there is no substitution for size, either. Sure, there are small speakers that sound good, like the Audioengine A2+. But when it comes to something that can go without compromise, it will have to come in certain dimensions. Engineering can allow you to make the most out of physics, but making the most out of it does not mean you can break it. With the Audioengine HD6, they simply sound amazing. Amazing enough to even make non-audiophiles take a second look. With its 5.5" Kevlar woven glass aramid composite woofers and 1" ferro fluid cooled silk dome tweeter in a 30cm tall, 18.5cm wide, and 25cm deep enclosure, they are probably a bit too big to be classified as desktop computer speakers, and if there are any drawbacks to the HD6, this will have to be pretty much the only one. I mean, you better have a pretty big desk to accommodate the HD6. It certainly does not fit on mine, which is rather unfortunate, even though I already have my pair monitors hanging on a SilverStone ARM Two SST-ARM22SC. But if you have a big desk, then all power to you, because Audioengine's latest flagship is probably the best money can buy in its class. Its flawless construction and finish, all with an intricate attention to detail, makes it fit right in with any premium equipment configuration. This, along with its classical, inoffensive design, allow it to be a welcomed addition everywhere. Everything just feels high end from the moment you take it out of the box. From its super versatile input selection to a convenient and good looking remote control, the Audioengine HD6 has it all -- whether you plan on having it on your desk or in your living room, listening to a source with or without wires. For $750, the performance and features you get is a steal. This is no exaggeration. Pick up a good subwoofer, and you can quote me on this: The Audioengine HD6 is the best antidote for people suffering from poor computer audio equipment for the price. Or any poor audio equipment, really.
Atlantia provided this product to APH Networks for the purpose of evaluation.
APH Recommended Award | APH Review Focus Summary:
9/10 means Excellent product with very minor drawbacks that do not affect the overall product.
8/10 means Definitely a very good product with drawbacks that are not likely going to matter to the end user.
-- Final APH Numeric Rating is 8.4/10
Please note that the APH Numeric Rating system is based off our proprietary guidelines in the Review Focus, and should not be compared to other sites.
If heaven is installing a new sound system, they will be getting the Audioengine HD6.
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Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Physical Look - Hardware
3. Subjective Audio Analysis
4. Conclusion