DeepCool MG510 Review (Page 3 of 4)

Page 3 - Subjective Performance Tests

After plugging the DeepCool MG510 in with the wireless dongle and setting up the software, I ran the mouse through our series of standard tracking performance tests. This includes normal office usage in the Windows environment as well as gaming. Some graphics work and testing were done with Adobe Photoshop. Games used in this test primarily include VALORANT and League of Legends. This spans a couple of common game genres and allows us to get a feel as to how the mouse responds in different situations. All testing was completed on a ROCCAT Sense CTRL XXL desk mat. Please note these are subjective tests, but we will attempt to make it as objective as possible with our cross-reference testing methods. I did use the MG510 in wired and wireless operation modes, but majority of my testing was with the mouse connected via the wireless dongle.

Compared to the usual mice I have been daily driving, the DeepCool MG510 felt quite a bit heavier despite also feeling slimmer in size. Its symmetrical shape and more gradual curve meant I tended more towards a claw grip, with my fingers raised off the mouse surface and only touching the primary buttons. Those with small to medium-sized hands should find this mouse comfortable with a palm or claw grip, while those with larger hands could employ a fingertip grip. I did appreciate the textured sides of the MG510, as it did make the whole mouse easier to hold onto. However, I did not like the surface of the rest of the mouse, which really showed off a lot of handling marks. Weight-wise, the MG510 feels too heavy for my liking. This is very much a preference thing, but after using so many ultralight mice, going back to a mouse weighing more than 70g was just not as comfortable. The good thing is the mass is balanced to the center of the mouse, making it easy to pick up without needing to compensate for one side or the other. For the sensitivity range, I rarely went above 1600DPI in my daily use despite DeepCool allowing up to 19000DPI of sensitivity. As for inputs, I found all of the buttons, both primary and secondary, to be placed in a reasonable place, yet away enough to avoid accidental presses. Audible and tactile feedback of the primary buttons were quite good as well.

Practically every mouse we look at here is meant for gaming, so it only makes sense I played games with the DeepCool MG510. The heavier weight than other aforementioned mice meant I had to readjust to the MG510. As such, I did often use the mouse closer to 1600DPI, while other mice I would be staying around 1200DPI. While I am not the best gamer, I found the DeepCool MG510 and the PixArt PAW3370 to be a very capable sensor. Tracking was consistent and smooth. I was never able to spin out the mouse. In games like VALORANT, flick shooting was a bit trickier with this weight, but still doable. It was also easy to maintain a grip on the mouse due to its textured surface. In games like League of Legends, the tracking performance held up and clicking felt consistent and crisp. Compared to the wired and wireless operation, I did not notice much difference, especially in terms of latency. There are numerical differences in click latency, but these were again less noticeable in daily use.

When looking at more technical flaws, the PAW3370 in the DeepCool MG510 was unsurprisingly excellent. Some Photoshop tests with free-hand lassoing revealed small details and movements were picked up without problem. Moving in straight lines showed zero signs of prediction or angle snapping at reasonable sensitivity settings. There was a slight amount of jitter at higher DPI settings, but this again was not observable at lower sensitivity. Response time felt consistent throughout my use. Lift off distance was lower than the thickness of one optical disc, but I still wish it was configurable.

Overall, the DeepCool MG510 was an excellent mouse in its performance. The sensor was up to task in all situations, while its primary clicks felt snappy and accessible. The MG510's heavier weight is still not my preference, but the side texture and slim shape should be good for small to medium-sized hands.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. A Closer Look - Hardware and Software
3. Subjective Performance Tests
4. Conclusion