Kingston IronKey Keypad 200 64GB Review (Page 4 of 7)

Page 4 - Benchmark: ATTO Disk Benchmark

About ATTO Disk Benchmark

The ATTO Disk Benchmark performance measurement tool is compatible with Microsoft Windows. Measure your storage systems performance with various transfer sizes and test lengths for reads and writes. Several options are available to customize your performance measurement including queue depth, overlapped I/O and even a comparison mode with the option to run continuously. Use ATTO Disk Benchmark to test any manufacturers RAID controllers, storage controllers, host adapters, hard drives and SSD drives and notice that ATTO products will consistently provide the highest level of performance to your storage.

From: Developer's Page

Following up next are our usual ATTO read and write tests. ATTO is an often-quoted benchmark because it is easy to use and accurate. It is widely considered a favorite among reviewers. As manufacturer peak read and write performance ratings are usually achievable using ATTO, whether a drive lives up to its marketing claims or not can be validated by this program. Kingston claims the IronKey Keypad 200 64GB's maximum read is 145MB/s and maximum write of 115MB/s. The IronKey Keypad 200 64GB’s read and write performance were both quite good; peaking at 163.75/s for read and 139.13MB/s for write. The tested read and write figures were above the advertised speed, which gave me a reason to retest to confirm these results, only to find they were consistent. The IronKey Keypad 200 64GB had an admirably good display in this test reaching maximum performance at 1024KB for both read and write. For an encrypted flash drive, I am quite impressed by this level of performance.

When you compare against the likes of the DataTraveler Vault Privacy 3.0 32GB, another hardware encrypted flash drive, we find significant improvements after the 8KB mark for the IronKey Keypad 200 64GB. We are also seeing performance numbers greater than drives like the SanDisk Ultra Fit 256GB. After the 8KB mark, it goes even further beyond having a steady ramp-up performance, peaking at 1024KB, showing great performance for a hardware encrypted flash drive.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. A Closer Look, Test System
3. Benchmark: AIDA64 Disk Benchmark
4. Benchmark: ATTO Disk Benchmark
5. Benchmark: Crystal Disk Mark 8.0
6. Benchmark: HD Tune Pro 5.70
7. Conclusion