Page 6 - Benchmark: Cinebench 2024
About Cinebench 2024
Cinebench 2024 utilizes the power of Redshift, Cinema 4D's default rendering engine, to evaluate your computer's CPU and GPU capabilities. Cinebench 2024 is designed to accommodate a broad range of hardware configurations - while it seamlessly supports x86/64 architecture (Intel/AMD) on Windows and macOS, it also extends its reach to Apple Silicon on macOS and Arm64 CPUs on Windows, ensuring compatibility with the latest advancements in hardware technology. Additionally, Cinebench 2024 streamlines the benchmarking process by utilizing a consistent scene file for both CPU and GPU testing. Best of all: It's free!
From: Developer's Page
Next in line is Cinebench 2024, which is Maxon's latest benchmark to measure CPU rendering performance. It conducts two CPU tests with one using only one core on my AMD Ryzen 7 9700X, and the other using all the available cores. The 2024 version also brings back a GPU test. Once again, this system produced respectable but expected results.
Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Bundle and Chipset
3. Physical Look - Hardware, Board Layout
4. BIOS and Test System
5. Benchmark: AIDA64
6. Benchmark: Cinebench 2024
7. Benchmark: PassMark PerformanceTest 11
8. Benchmark: PCMark 10
9. Benchmark: 3DMark
10. Onboard Sound Frequency Analysis
11. Thermal Measurements and Overclocking
12. Conclusion