Page 7 - Benchmark: PassMark PerformanceTest 11
About PassMark PerformanceTest 11
For Windows, Linux, macOS and, Android and iOS
- Compare the performance of your PC to similar computers around the world.
- Measure the effect of configuration changes and hardware upgrades.
- Free license for Standard Tests
- Paid license for Advanced Tests
- Industry standard since 1998.
From: Developer's Page
The third test is PassMark's PerformanceTest 11. This evaluates five different areas of our system, which includes the CPU, RAM, 2D Graphics, 3D Graphics, and Disk. It takes a different approach in obtaining results compared to other programs, which is why we like to use it. Unsurprisingly, the results were as expected for a system built with these components.
Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Bundle and Chipset
3. Physical Look - Hardware, Board Layout
4. BIOS and Test System
5. Benchmark: AIDA64
6. Benchmark: Cinebench 2024
7. Benchmark: PassMark PerformanceTest 11
8. Benchmark: PCMark 10
9. Benchmark: 3DMark
10. Onboard Sound Frequency Analysis
11. Thermal Measurements and Overclocking
12. Conclusion